Muray Assts - disseny de producte

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Documents de la Corona d'Arago

Ens varen fer arribar un microfilm on, segons un historiador, hi explica que cap al segle XV en la zona de Sarroca de Lleida ja es produïa oli de certes oliveres. Son unes 60 o 70 pagines que caldria digitalitzar, el material es molt bo però no es fàcil tècnicament de digitalitzar.

Escut de la familia Colom publicat per Oviedo el 1535

Text de la familia Colom

Text actual del "Columbus Quincentenary"

Olive trees can live for over a thousand years, and all over Spain there are trees of many varieties which were living and bearing fruit when Christopher Columbus set sail for America in 1492.
Avelino Veá, renowned Patron of the House of VEÁ and producer of L'Estornell and Lérida Veá olive oils, has searched for 500 year old trees to produce this superb extra-virgin oil.
The age of the trees is authenticated by reference to local records and family-archives.

Avelino Veá is therefore offering a strictly limited edition product which will be presented in hand-crafted glass 'taberna' decanters, of the kind used throughout Spain during Columbus' lifetime. Each decanter comes complete with a glass stopper, and is decorated with specially designed labels.
Every case, and every decanter, will be numbered. Each case contains six decanters, packed in individual gift boxes produced in Spain using Galician pine - a magnificent and unusual presentation fully worthy to celebrate the historic voyage of Christopher Columbus from Spain to America 500 years ago.

The extra-virgin olive oil itself is of outstanding quality, color and flavor - perfect in extra-special salad dressings and in recipe dishes which depend on the authentic flavor and qualities of first-class, extra-virgin olive oil for their essential character.

Columbus's three ships - the Flagship Santa Maria; the 'Pinta' and the 'Niña' made up the first recorded European expedition to cross the Atlantic Ocean in warm or temperate latitudes. The expedition was financed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, and by Luis de Santángel, keeper of the Royal Exchequer, who was largely instrumental in securing the support of the Spanish monarchs.

The King and Queen paid Columbus' crews and provided his ships, no doubt stocking them with abundant supplies of olive oil - much of it, possibly, from the very same trees that have yielded this special bottling by L'Estornell.

Decoració per al certificat

Idea per al certificat, potser vol ser molt graciosa, es l’instrument emprat per a la datació dels arbres, al principi hi posem quan es va plantar l’arbre i desprès dates importants per als Estats Units, d’aquesta manera es farien una millor idea de l’edat dels arbres


Etiquetes adeshives
Per a vins, olis, espirituosos
o aplicacions industrials
Disseny gràfic
Catàlegs, logotips, marques
banderoles, estands
Caixes folrades
Embalatges especials

Muray Associats S.L.
Estudi de disseny de producte, industrial, il·lustració, web i fotografia
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